Phil. Journal of Internal Medicine (Vol.32 No.4) Volume 32 Number 4 July - August 1996 Issue C O N T E N T S ORIGINAL ARTICLES Hyperinsulinemia as a Link between Hypertension Obesity and Glucose Intolerance Ma. Clara Teresa Y. Isaguirre, M.D., Dwight Black, M.D., and Augusto D. Litonjua, M.D. Urea Broth: An Alternative for H. Pylori Detection Ronald P. Nonato, M.D., and Judy Y. Lao, M.D. Rectal Imprint for Schistosoma Diagnosis: A Comparison between the Conventional Biopsy Forceps and the Colonoscopy Forceps Method Roy N. Ycong, M.D., Consorcio D. Correa, M.D., and Judy Y. Lao, M.D. Takayasu’s Arteritis Type II in a Young Adult Filipino Male Joven Amor A. Mostajo, M.D., and Jose B. Benigno, Jr., M.D. Reference Values of Serum Total Cholesterol, HDL-Cholesterol, LDL-Chlesterol and Triaclyglycerol in Filipinos Gloria de Castro-Bernas, M.S., Ph.D., Emerita Arenas-Gutierrez, M.D., and Imelda Abao-Dakis, M.D. A Review of Acute Yellow Phosphorus (Watusi) Ingestion at the Philippine General Hospital (1991-1993) Oscar Urbano B. Fernandez, M.D.