Phil. Journal of Internal Medicine (Vol.54 No.1) Volume 54 Number 1 January - March 2016 Issue C O N T E N T S EDITORIAL Publishing Patient Level Data Joven Jeremius Q. Tanchuco, M.D. LEGAL PRESCRIPTION Ordering for Physical Restraint Atty. Rodel V. Capule M.D. ORIGINAL PAPERS Depression and Anxiety in Adults with Congenital Heart Disease Using the Validated Filipino Version of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Score (HADS-P) Jaime Alfonso M. Aherrera, M.D.; Lauro L. Abrahan, IV, M.D.; Geraldine Z. Racaza, M.D.; Christine Q. Train, M.D.; Raul D. Jara, M.D. Renal Function of Patients with Gout on Initial Visit at a Rheumatology Clinic Ana Teresa S. Hernandez, M.D.; Kenneth D. Tee, M.D.; Ester Penserga, M.D.; Evelyn O. Salido, M.D. Correlation of Serum Calcium and Phosphorus with the Degree of Coronary Artery Complexity in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease Vida Rose Danielle K. Acosta, M.D. Association between Tumor Necrosis Factor-α -308G/A Polymorphism and Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Patients of the University of Santo Tomas Hospital Rashmine A. Rodriguez, M.D.; Earl Louis A. Sempio, M.D.; Isaias A. Lanzona, M.D.; Abe Ernest Johann E. Isagan; Andrea G. Vargas, M.D. CASE REPORT Dermatitis Herpetiformis in a Young Filipino Male: A Case Report Karl Paolo O. Dillera, M.D.; Bryan Edgar K. Guevara, M.D.; Jessie F. Orcasitas, M.D.; Karla Phoebe B. Castaños, M.D.; Jocelyn K. Guevara, M.D. Asymptomatic Accessory Mitral Valve Leaflet with Left Ventricular Outflow Tract Obstruction Lucky R. Cuenza, M.D.; Jeffrey Mendoza, M.D.; Myra Tan-Delos Reyes, M.D. An Indolent Course of Acute Myeloid Leukemia with Peripheral Spontaneous Remission in a 34-year-old Filipino Female Gail M. Culla, M.D.; and Honorata G. Baylon, M.D. CLINICAL TRIALS A Post Marketing Surveillance Study To Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Fixed Dose Amlodipine + Losartan Potassium for the Treatment of Hypertension in the Philippines Leandro C. Bongosia, M.D.; Cristy Mendoza, M.D.; Lucky Cuenza, M.D.